
Merry Christmas Darling圣诞歌曲钢琴谱-卡朋特乐队 The Carpenters

发布日期:2022-10-10 09:16:02     来源:曲谱网会员空间     曲谱热度:

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Merry Christmas Darling圣诞歌曲钢琴谱-卡朋特乐队  The Carpenters1

Merry Christmas Darling圣诞歌曲钢琴谱-卡朋特乐队  The Carpenters2

Merry Christmas Darling圣诞歌曲钢琴谱-卡朋特乐队  The Carpenters3

Merry Christmas Darling圣诞歌曲钢琴谱-卡朋特乐队  The Carpenters4

亲爱的圣诞快乐由理查德卡朋特和弗兰克普勒于1970年一起创作,作为单曲独立发行。后又于1978年收录在专辑Christmas Portrait再次发行。理查德卡朋特称此为其妹卡伦卡朋特最好的歌曲之一。此曲后被多名歌手翻唱。

圣诞歌曲Merry Christmas Darling歌词:

Greeting cards have all been sent The Christmas rush is through But I still have one wish to make A special one for you Merry Christmas, darling We're apart, that's true But I can dream And in my dreams I'm Christmasing with you Holidays are joyful There's always something new But every day's a holiday When I'm near to you The lights on my tree I wish you could see I wish it every day The logs on the fire Fill me with desire To see you and to say That I wish you Merry Christmas Happy New Year too I've just one wish On this Christmas Eve I wish I were with you The logs on the fire Fill me with desire To see you and to say That I wish you Merry Christmas Happy New Year too I've just one wish On this Christmas Eve I wish I were with you I wish I were with you Merry Christmas, darling


Tags: the(1651) Christmas(128) Merry(34) Carpenters(27) 卡朋特乐队(7) Darling圣诞歌曲(2)
