发布日期:2022-09-30 11:19:21 来源:人人钢琴网 曲谱热度:
Streets of Philadelphia是美国摇滚歌手,词曲作者Bruce Springsteen的歌曲。布鲁斯•斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)是美国70年代以来大红大紫的摇滚乐巨星之一。
他的东大街乐队(the E.Street Band)是美国最著名的摇滚乐队之一。音乐以诗意的歌词和情绪化的表现方式打动人心。他曾获得20多个奖项,包括格莱美奖 ,两项金球奖和奥斯卡奖。在全球拥有强大的乐迷基础。他已经在美国和全球售出了超过1亿2000万张唱片。 2009年被授予肯尼迪中心荣誉奖 ,并于同年在福布斯百位名人排行榜中位列第六。到了90年代,他依然光彩照人。2013年2月8日被授予2013年“音乐关怀年度风云人物”大奖。
I was bruised and battered and I couldn't tell
What I felt
I was unrecognizable to myself
I saw my reflection in a window I didn't know
My own face
Oh brother are you gonna leave me
Wastin away
On the streets of philadelphia
I walked the avenue till my legs felt like stone
I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone
At night I could hear the blood in my veins
Black and whispering as the rain
On the streets of philadelphia
Ain't no angel gonna greet me
It's just you and I my friend
My clothes don't fit me no more
I walked a thousand miles
Just to slip the skin
The night has fallen, I'm lyin'awake
I can feel myself fading away
So receive me brother with your faithless kiss
Or will we leave each other alone like this
On the streets of Philadelphia