
Hands on the Radio钢琴谱-Chris Garneau

发布日期:2022-09-30 11:19:21     来源:曲谱网会员空间     曲谱热度:

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Hands on the Radio钢琴谱-Chris Garneau1

Hands on the Radio钢琴谱-Chris Garneau2

Hands on the Radio钢琴谱-Chris Garneau3

Hands on the Radio钢琴谱-Chris Garneau4

Hands on the Radio钢琴谱-Chris Garneau5

Hands on the Radio钢琴谱-Chris Garneau6

Hands on the Radio出自美国的创作型歌手和音乐家Chris Garneau,如天籁般的音乐漂浮灵动,一起欣赏吧。

克里斯 加诺(Chris Garneau)是美国的创作型歌手和音乐家,1982年出生在波士顿并在那里长到8岁,然后在巴黎和家人住过几年,之后在搬到纽约之前在新泽西州居住并在那里上中学。加诺的声音融合了民谣、美洲、流行音乐、巴洛克式和狂欢的音乐元素。

歌词下方是Hands on the Radio钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Hands on the Radio歌词:

Hands on the radio

We left too soon

We left you in the afternoon

I hurt somebody

I love you too

I love you underneath the moon

I love you underneath the moon

This town is my favorite

And I promise I'll come back

Girls I promise you

Boys I promise you too

With hands on the radio

We'll get there soon

We'll get there in the afternoon

Fans in the stadium they leave too soon

They always leave in the afternoon

They always leave in the afternoon

This town is my favorite

And I promise I'll come back come back

Girls I promise you

Boys I promise you too

This town is my favorite

And I promise I'll come back

Girls I promise you and boys

I promise you too

Tags: the(1651) ON(263) Chris(32) Hands(25) Radio(6) Garneau(4)
