发布日期:2022-09-30 11:19:21 来源:人人钢琴网 曲谱热度:
Break In to Break Out是动画女神异闻录5的片头曲。由歌手Lyn演唱。动画《女神异闻录5》改编自ATLUS的同名游戏,于2017年7月31日宣布动画化,随后于12月24日宣布定档2018年4月。动画由CloverWorks负责制作,于2018年4月7日起播出。
You strike me down with games and lies
I trusted you but I found
Your only true friend is your desire for playing around
You're out of your mind you've lost control
I'm gonna take back what's mine
You'll never have my soul
This time you've really stepped across the line
Thieves in the palace full of tales and lies
We gotta stake it burn it out
Expose the malice that they chose to hide
It's just a break in to break out
Breaking in so we can break out
Breaking in so we can break out
Breaking in so we can break out
Breaking out
Tags: Lyn(11)