
Georgia On My Mind钢琴简谱-Ray Charles演唱

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Georgia On My Mind钢琴简谱-Ray Charles演唱1

Georgia On My Mind钢琴简谱-Ray Charles演唱2

Georgia On My Mind钢琴简谱-Ray Charles演唱3

Georgia On My Mind钢琴简谱-Ray Charles演唱4

Georgia On My Mind钢琴简谱-Ray Charles演唱5

《Georgia On My Mind》中文译为《乔治亚州驻我心》(《我心中的乔治亚》)。原版作曲为Hoagy Carmichael,Stuart Gorrell填词。首次录制是在1930年9月15日的纽约,后被无数歌手和音乐人翻唱及再制作,成为经典。

其中最广为人知的版本出自美国黑人歌手,灵魂歌王,雷·查尔斯·鲁滨逊(Ray Charles)。Ray Charles本人生于乔治亚州,因为反对乔治亚州的种族隔离制度,Ray Charles有一段时间被禁止在乔治亚州演出。后来随着美国种族歧视状况的改善,Ray Charles得到平反。这首歌于1960年收录于Ray的专辑“The Genius Hits the Road”;也于1979年被选为乔治亚州的州歌。

歌词下方是Georgia On My Mind钢琴谱,欢迎大家使用。

Georgia On My Mind歌词:

Georgia, Georgia

The whole day through

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind

Georgia, Georgia

A song of you

Comes as sweet and clear

As moonlight through the pines

Other arms reach out to me

Other eyes smile tenderly

Still in the peaceful dreams I see

The road leads back to you

I said Georgia, oh Georgia,

No peace I find

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind

Other arms reach out to me

Other eyes smile tenderly

Still in peaceful dreams I see

The road leads back to you

Oh Georgia, Georgia

No peace, no peace I find

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind

I said just an old sweet song

Keeeps Georgia on my mind

Tags: My(512) ON(263) Ray(27) Mind(25) Georgia(12) Charles(11)
