
Unity钢琴简谱-Alan Walker演唱

发布日期:2022-09-30 11:19:21     来源:曲谱网会员空间     曲谱热度:

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Unity钢琴简谱-Alan Walker演唱1

Unity钢琴简谱-Alan Walker演唱2

Unity钢琴简谱-Alan Walker演唱3

Unity钢琴简谱-Alan Walker演唱4

Unity钢琴简谱-Alan Walker演唱5

Unity是挪威DJ、音乐制作人Alan Walker的歌曲。Alan Walker,1997年8月24日出生于英国英格兰北安普敦郡,是个拥有无限潜能和未来有实力的电音音乐人。他的表演气氛十分火爆,总能让现场人声沸腾。此外,他特有的LOGO让他的电音变得不简单。

同时,网站还为大家提供了《On My Way-简单版》的曲谱下载


In the dark of night

The stars light up the sky

We see them flying free

That's just like you and me

Everyone is lonely sometimes

But I would walk a thousand miles

To see your eyes

You are not alone, we are family

Hold me, let's escape all this reality

You are my symphony

By your side, we are Unity

You are my energy

My guiding light, we are Unity

We are Unity

We are Unity

Although the rain might pour

A thunder starts to roar

The lightning wakes the wave

But through it, we are brave

Everyone is lonely sometimes

But I would walk a thousand miles

To see your eyes

You are not alone, we are family

Hold me, let's escape all this reality

You are my symphony

By your side, we are Unity

You are my energy

My guiding light, we are Unity

(We are...) We are Unity

(We are...) We are Unity

(My Unity)

(My Unity)

(My Unity)

(My Unity)

We are Unity

You are my symphony

By your side, we are Unity

You are my energy

My guiding light, we are Unity

We are Unity

We are Unity

Tags: Alan(138) Walker(98) unity(5)





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