
Happy Birthday钢琴简谱-数字双手-Stevie Wonder

发布日期:2022-09-30 11:19:21     来源:简谱网会员空间     曲谱热度:

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Happy Birthday钢琴简谱-数字双手-Stevie Wonder1

Happy Birthday钢琴简谱-数字双手-Stevie Wonder2

Happy Birthday钢琴简谱-数字双手-Stevie Wonder3

Happy Birthday钢琴简谱歌词


You know it doesn't make much sense


There ought to be a law against

Anyone who takes offense


At a day in your celebration

Cause we all know in our minds


That there ought to be a time

That we can set aside


To show just how much we love you

And I'm sure you would agree


It couldn't fit more perfectly

Than to have a world party on the day you came to be

Happy birthday to you


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday

Happy birthday to you


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday

I just never understood


How a man who died for good

Could not have a day that would


Be set aside for his recognition

Because it should never be


Just because some cannot see

The dream as clear as he


that they should make it become an illusion

And we all know everything


That he stood for time will bring

For in peace our hearts will sing


Thanks to Martin Luther King

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you


Happy birthday

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you


Happy birthday

Why has there never been a holiday

Where peace is celebrated


all throughout the world

The time is overdue

For people like me and you


Who know the way to truth

Is love and unity to all God's children


It should be a great event

And the whole day should be spent


In full remembrance

Of those who lived and died for the oneness of all people


So let us all begin

We know that love can win


Let it out don't hold it in

Sing it loud as you can

Happy birthday to you


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you


Happy birthday

Happy birthday to you


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you


Happy birthday

Happy birthday


Happy birthday

Happy birthday


Ooh yeah

Happy birthday...

We know the key to unify all people


Is in the dream that you had so long ago

That lives in all of the hearts of people


That believe in unity

We'll make the dream become a reality


I know we will

Because our hearts tell us so

