
欢乐颂最简单版钢琴简谱-数字双手-贝多芬 Beethoven

发布日期:2022-09-30 11:19:21     来源:简谱网会员空间     曲谱热度:

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欢乐颂最简单版钢琴简谱-数字双手-贝多芬  Beethoven1


欢乐颂,高大上的名叫Song of Joy,再高大上的名字叫Ode an die Freude。是贝多芬为席勒的诗歌所做,估计没有人不熟悉这个旋律吧。即使不知道名字,旋律肯定熟悉的不能再熟悉了。









Come! Sing a song of joy



for peace shall come, my brother!

Sing! Sing a song of joy


for men shall love each other!

That day will dawn just as sure


as hearts that are pure,

are hearts set free.


No man must stand along

with outstretched hands before him.


Reach out and take them in yours

with love that endures


forever more.

Then sing a song of joy


for love and understanding.

Come! Sing a song of joy


of freedom! Tell the story!

Sing! Sing a song of joy


for mankind in his glory!

One mighty voice that will bring


a sound that will ring

forever more.


Then sing a song of joy

for love and understanding.


Come! Sing a song of joy

of freedom! Tell the story!


Sing! Sing a song of joy

for mankind in his glory!


One mighty voice that will bring

a sound that will ring


forever more.

Then sing a song of joy


for love and understanding.

Sing! Sing a song of joy


for mankind in his glory!


